
吻仔魚蛋包飯. The woman next door; she became my exclusive special tutor. "I'll teach you the real skills to excite women!" Seong-jin, the so-called expert of theory, who learned about women through text only, feels the thrilling excitement whenever he sees his academic advisor professor, Mi-ae.

吻仔魚蛋包飯 這是準備和製作/烹飪吻仔魚蛋包飯的方法


  1. 蛋1個
  2. 隔夜飯1碗
  3. 豬油1匙
  4. 鹽1匙
  5. 薑黃1匙
  6. 吻仔魚1匙
  7. 醬油1大匙
  8. 紅蘿蔔10克


  1. 白飯和調味料先下油鍋拌炒。加入紅蘿蔔拌炒後吧。.
  2. 再加入吻仔魚拌炒起鍋備用。.
  3. 煎蛋皮把飯鋪上。.