Tomyum soup(泰式酸辣汤). How to cook Tom yum seafood. Taste of tom yum is based on sour and spicy flavors. The basic ingredient of tom yum is seafood or meats.
Dining at a Thai restaurant is incomplete without a bowl of Tom Yam soup. Thai style fresh salmon sashimi is here 😍 Don't forget our signature Thai Mama Tomyum are back too! Just can't get enough for the flavorful blend of sour and spicy. 這是準備和製作/烹飪Tomyum soup(泰式酸辣汤)的方法
製作Tomyum soup(泰式酸辣汤)的成分
- 食材1
- 海鲜(如虾子,蚌壳类等等...) 依照所需准备份量
- 鸡肉(我选择鸡腿肉) 依照所需准备份量
- 鱼肉(选择骨少,肉多的较为佳) 依照所需准备份量。
- 食材2
- 青花椰菜 依照所需准备份量
- 白花椰菜 依照所需准备份量
- 红萝卜 依照所需准备份量
- 番茄 依照所需准备份量
- 芫荽 依照所需准备份量
- 蘑菇 依照所需准备份量。
- 配料
- 南姜 5-10片
- 香茅 2根
- 姜花 1朵
- 洋葱 2个
- 指天椒 6条(若爱吃辣可增加份量)
- 調味料
- 盐 适量
- 糖 适量
- 酸柑汁 适量
- tomyum酱料 适量
Shaw House One of the best Tom Yum Soup that I've ever eaten in Singapore. Soup was thick, laden with fresh seafood. A generous serving of coconut milk brought much fragrance to the soup. Just the right balance of fragrance, spiciness and a tinge of acidity.
製作Tomyum soup(泰式酸辣汤)的步驟
- 先把所有食材清洗干净。.
- 1.姜花一斜切方式切段。 2.香茅切段后用刀子把它随意拍一拍。 3.南姜切片后也随意用刀子拍一拍。 4.辣椒可切小段,或一整条用。 5.洋葱切片。.
- 接着,把鸡肉和鱼肉切块。 蔬菜类也别忘了切成丁状。 所有食材处理好。备用。.
- 鸡肉必须用滚水烫去油脂和血水,备用。.
- 1.煮开一锅水或准备一锅鸡高汤,把所有配料和tomyum酱料加入煲至出香味。 2.出味后,依序加入食材2(除了芫荽).
- 大概3分钟后,加入食材1煮,在所有食材都快熟之前,添加调味料,建议不需要再放盐巴,因为tomyum酱料已有咸味,请依照自己喜爱的口味添加白砂糖和酸柑汁。.
- 完毕,洒上芫荽,便可上桌食用。=).
- 这一罐tomyum酱是朋友到泰国游玩时,在当地买了带回来给我的,听说这品牌在当地相当之有名。.
Although personally I thought that more. Tom Yam Red Seafood Soup 冬炎海鲜酸辣红汤. Tom Yam Clear Seafood Soup 冬炎海鲜酸辣清汤. Chinese restaurant-style hot and sour soup made easy! I love this soup and I know a few people who'd be smitten.