酸辣湯(食譜). The official Collins Chinese-English Dictionary online. Flesh hot springs in Tsurumaki from deep under the ground of Tanzawa mountains are famous for high density of Calcium. It has been known from long time ago that rich mineral contained in the hot springs has efficacy for rheumatism, neuralgic pains, wound and gastrointestinal disease.
- 預備食材
- 胡蘿蔔絲 適量
- 木耳絲 適量
- 金針菇 適量
- 玉米筍 適量
- 青花菜 適量
- 青江菜 適量
- 嫩豆腐 適量
- 醬油 適量
- 香油 少許
- 胡椒 少許
- 準備材料.
- 以沙拉油及香油爆炒香胡蘿蔔及木耳,加入素高湯,以胡椒粉調味,加入醬油及鹽.
- 加入金針菇.玉米筍切絲.青花菜.青江菜,最後勾芡,加入嫩豆腐,加入半碗醋.
- 最後將酸辣湯倒入碗中,淋上香油,最後灑上胡椒.