泰式酸辣湯Tom yum. #泰式酸辣湯濃郁版 三碗豬腳~~~ 最近天氣多變化,那就來做個冷熱皆很好喝的 #泰式酸辣湯 吧! 不過今天做的是濃郁版,跟一般喝到的清湯有些不同,更濃稠更多層次,美味升級^^,但又不會改變太多原本泰式酸辣湯的香氣喔。 泰式海鲜酸辣汤. How to cook Tom yum seafood. Taste of tom yum is based on sour and spicy flavors.
Tom yum or tom yam is a type of hot and sour Thai soup, usually cooked with shrimp (prawn). Tom yum has its origin in Thailand. Prefer the milky Tom Yum soup? 這是準備和製作/烹飪泰式酸辣湯Tom yum的方法
製作泰式酸辣湯Tom yum的成分
- 泰式Tom yum調味包
- 泰式辣椒醬 適量
- 蝦子 10隻
- 小管 2隻
- 冰糖 適量
- 魚露 1湯匙
- 椰奶 2湯匙
Add in evaporated milk instead of fresh milk. It's lesser on the sweetness and it helps bring down the overall spiciness of the soup. 얌 (ko); tom yum (en); トムヤムクン (ja); 冬荫 (zh-hans); Tom Yam Pla Chawn (pt) tom yum (es); hot and sour Thai soup (en); מרק פופולרי במטבח התאילנדי, ואחד המאכלים המפורסמים ביותר במטבח זה (he) Yam Kung (id); 冬央, 冬炎, 泰式酸辣湯, 冬蔭功, 冬蔭功湯, Tom yum, 冬陰功 (zh); Tom yam (fi). English (US) · Suomi · Svenska · Español · Português (Brasil). Thai Cuisine, Tom Yum Goong or Traditional Thai Spicy and Sour Soup with Prawns, Mushroom, Coconut Milk and Herbs.
製作泰式酸辣湯Tom yum的步驟
- 水滾後放入泰式調味包.
- 味道出來水滾後放入泰式辣椒醬.
- 放入海鮮開大火.
- 加入冰糖適量和一湯匙魚露.
- 拿起調味包.
- 加入椰奶兩湯匙滾後即可起鍋.
One of The Most Famous Thai Recipes in The World. One of the best Tom Yum Soup that I've ever eaten in Singapore. Soup was thick, laden with fresh seafood. A generous serving of coconut milk brought Unlike those thin broth Tom Yum paste soup found in most of the Chinese Fish Soup/Ban Mian stalls at Kopitiams & Hawker Centers. Tom yum and the pig's trotter cannot be missed.